
Everything You Need to Know About Facebook Advanced Measurement Tools

Facebook wants to help advertisers better attribute their efforts to their results for their Facebook ad campaigns. That’s why they have developed new advanced measurement solutions to measure how your efforts are impacting your business.

Quick Hops


These advanced measurement tools include:

  • Audience outcomes: measure and optimize how you reach your audience.
  • Brand outcomes: measure how your media spend impacts your brand objectives.
  • Sales outcomes: measure how your media spend impacts sales objectives.

The new attribution and reach measurement solutions help you easily measure your marketing efforts on and off Facebook.
You can set up all of your publishers, on and off Facebook, to measure your reach and attribution outcomes in one place. This is a huge advantage to marketers looking for cross-platform relationships and see the entirety of their strategic outcomes.


The types of measurement the new solution gives you are:

Attribution measurement: understand how better data changes your attribution outcomes.
Reach measurement: assess who your campaign is reaching more efficiently and effectively.

So What are the Benefits of Advanced Measurement?

  • You can measure based on real people, not cookies alone.
  • You can measure across different devices and channels.
  • You can enable view-through attribution for a better understanding of your upper-funnel media impact.
  • Valuable insights for mid-to-long-term strategic decision making.


How to Setup your Tracking On and Off Facebook

If you set up your tracking across platforms it’ll allow you to track your ROI across platforms as well. It will also allow you to measure your search, display, retargeting and other channels in one place.

  • Use the Facebook tracking QA tools to ensure proper setup.
  • Leverage your existing pixel and SDK.
  • Gain insight into your attribution performance.

While, rules-based models include last click, last touch, even credit the advanced measurement solution can compare different attribution models, to build an intuition of how ads influence conversions.
They will also let you gain a better understanding of complex consumer purchase/conversion paths.
This is really important, the new tools can allow you to learn age, gender, geographic insights about your converting ads.


Understand Your Reach and Frequency Performance

The advanced measurement tools will also allow marketers to measure campaign effectiveness in reaching their intended audiences.
Easily see reach and frequency insights across all of your campaigns and publishers. With features like:

  • On-screen viewability reporting which measures only impressions that had the opportunity to be seen.
  • Fraud-free reach and frequency reporting.
  • Dashboards with performance metrics for impressions, reach, and frequency waste and on-screen viewability by business, campaign, and publisher.
  • Customizable Excel reach overview reporting includes publisher on-target efficiency cross campaign de-duplicated reach and publisher unique reach overlap.


Reach and Frequency Dashboard

Understand how many real people you’re reaching and how frequently across all of your campaigns.
Measure the opportunity people have to see your ads and fraudulent impressions occurring across publishers.
Customizable reach reports with presentation-ready visualizations to gain insight into the holistic reach of your digital campaign.

Reach overview

  • The unique reach of each publisher
  • Reach overlap between publishers

Reach by device

  • On-target efficiency by publisher
  • On-target audience reach
  • Reach by Device
  • View reach and frequency by device and campaign or publisher. This information will tell you which devices are the most effective at reaching your target audience.

On-Target Reach

  • Understand your On-target Efficiency and On-target Reach by Publisher.
  • On-Target Efficiency shows the percentage of people reached in your target audience for each publisher.
  • On-Target Reach shows the number of people in your target audience that we were exposed to your ads.
  • Analyze Overlap between publishers.
  • Measure which publisher is delivering the most unique reach, and compare unique reach between publishers.

Key On-Screen Metrics

  • Total served – Total number of times an ad was served.
  • Served to a person – Of all impression, this is the number of times our measurement system has verified an ad was served to a real person. This removes any fraudulent impressions.
  • Measurable impressions – Of all the impressions served to a person, this is the number of times our measurement system could determine if an ad was rendered on-screen.
  • On-screen – of all the measurable impressions, this is the number of times an instance of an ad entered the viewable area of a person screen for the first time.
  • Waste – Number of impressions that weren’t served to a person or didn’t enter the viewable area of a person’s screen.


Getting Started with Attribution Reporting

  • Facebook and client determine the desired outcomes and KPIs.
  • Facebook enables the alpha for the client and client logs in and accepts ToS to start onboarding.
  • Setup tracking connections (e.g., search, display, programmatic).
  • Run your campaign and review attribution results.


Getting Started with Reach Reporting

  • Desired outcomes and KPIs: Facebook and client determine the desired outcome and KPIs.
  • Facebook enables beta for a client: Facebook enables Beta for the client and client logs in and accepts ToS to start onboarding.
  • Onboard and setup tracking: Setup tracking connections (e.g. search, display, programmatic).
  • Analyze results next steps: Analyze the reporting for reach after 72 hours.
Abacus Agency
Abacus Agency

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